Register for the Lifespan IG Program

Welcome to the Lifespan Intergenerational Program

We are thrilled you want to join a Lifespan Intergenerational (IG) Community! There are many valuable benefits of intergenerational connections:

Lifespan has created a forum for doing just that. Participating in the Lifespan Alumni program will provide you with the following benefits of staying social:

We are asking that you complete the registration form.  It helps us stay connected to you and allows us to give you updated information about our program.  While there is no fee for this program, we welcome a donation to Lifespan.  It is through your support that this program is possible.  If you wish to make a donation, enter the amount and chose your payment method.  If you select Credit Card, the appropriate boxes will open up for you to complete your information.  If you select check, the address will also appear.  This website utilizes a secure payment option.

Lifespan Resources, Inc.

Intergenerational Program

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