Sponsor Information

Ways you can participate in Lifespan Academy

Lots of Fun Things are Happening at Lifespan!

There is tremendous excitement and energy at Lifespan Academy these days and we have heard from several of our sponsors from the Summer Session that they would like to participate again in the Fall.  We are fun to be around.

Because of our sponsors, we are able to offer our participants additional services during the academy.  In the Summer Session it was only thanks to our sponsors that we were able to have afternoon snacks in the midst of our very long days!  It is because of our sponsors that several classes were able to provide additional materials.  It is because of our sponsors that we are able to offer the Older but Still Getting Wiser Series we  are hosting in the afternoons this fall.

In return, our sponsors ask for an opportunity to provide our participants information about their program and services!  We work to have a respected and balanced group of sponsors so our participants can get information about programs that may interest them.  We do not provide any contact information on our participants, so your chance to give them information is either in printed material or when you are on site at our sessions.

All that being said, we decided to give our sponsors some ideas about the various ways their sponsorship could help our participants.

Morning Snacks:  9:00 to 10:00 am

Many of our participants have asked if we could have a small snack in the mornings when they are checking in for classes.  Some of our folks come early to take a few minutes to have a cup of coffee and visit.  Others are rushing in at the last minute to make it to their classes. Either way, a roll or snack would be a welcome addition to their mornings.

There are two ways to sponsor this activity.

Bring the  Snack:  You could bring the snack and then spend some time greeting our folks as they check in.  We would have a spot for your to place materials about your organization and its services.  While this time frame is somewhat limited, you are welcome to join us and get a chance to talk with any of our folks around during that time.

Make a Snack Donation:  We are planning on a pretty large crowd in the fall and we estimate that $50 would allow us to purchase coffee and a breakfast treat. All of your materials and signs would be placed on the snack table to acknowledge your sponsorship.

Afternoon Snacks:

We are thinking the same process would be good in the fall for afternoon snacks that we used in the summer.  If you are willing to sponsor the afternoon snack, bring the snack to the academy at lunch time.  We will place it in the refrigerator until snack time at 2:15 pm.  In the meantime, we would invite you to speak to our group during lunch, where you will be able to present information to the full lunch crowd.  If you are interested you are welcome to join us for lunch.

Class Sponsorship:  

Many of our classes require supplies and materials and our activity/ exercise classes all have paid instructors.  While our participants help with that, the fees don’t totally cover the costs.  This Spring Session 2016, it is primarily Ageless Grace, Tai Chi and Line Dancing classes that have paid instructors.   We would welcome support for any of these classes and would indicate that your organization is a supporter in our Spotlight, on our website and at the session.

Sponsor a Day:  

Some of you may be interested in sponsoring a full day at the Fall Session of Lifespan Academy.  That includes a morning snack, a class sponsorship, an afternoon snack and participation with us at lunch. You will be so full of Lifespan energy you won’t know what to do.  Day sponsors can provide the snacks or the cost for the snacks, whichever is more convenient for them.

If you are interested in being a sponsor for any of these activities, click the link below to fill out the form about your interest. We will be collecting the list of interested sponsors and will be in touch right away.


Again, we thank our sponsors.  Without you were couldn’t do much of what we provide for our participants.