We are changing things up this fall!!
The Fall Session starts the week of September 5th and finishes the week of October 24th.
Below are the Virtual and In-person options. Look at the classes and think about joining us.
Ready to register now?
Click here for the Fall Registration Form

Virtual Coffee Hour
10:30 to 11:30 M-W
We know how much you enjoy your virtual coffee hour, so we are still planning on saying Good Morning every Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday.
You would be amazed at the topics. Come and join in. The button below takes you directly to the coffee hour on Zoom.

Ragtime Tablet Group
1:30 on Wed
Our Ragtime Tablet group was around before the pandemic, but it really got rolling during 2020. When virtually was the only way to gather, we were grateful for the grants we received to bring so many of our Ragtime friends to tablets and the virtual world of Zoom. The button below takes you directly to the Ragtime Zoom class.

Zentangle - Hilary Smith
Fridays 10:45 – 12:15
We are now passionate about wonderful Zentangle! Through a connection to Heritage Village in Bethlehem, PA, we have gained an amazing Zentangle teacher and a wonderful new group of Lifespan friends. Come and see what you can create – and be amazed. The button below takes you directly to the Zoom class.

Book Club
Last Monday of the Month at Noon
Our Book club will meet on the last Monday of the month. Just click HERE for the full list of books we are reading. The link below takes you directly to the Book Club on Monday, August 29th.
The in-person classes on Thursday will be from September 8th through October 29th
Peachtree Road United Methodist Church
3180 Peachtree Rd NE, Atlanta, GA 30305 from 10 am through 3:00 pm
10:00 AM to 11:00 AM Session

Ragtime Class
Agape Ragtime Classes
The Ragtime group will enjoy a variety of topics and activities during the eight weeks of the Fall Session. These are just a few of the things we will be doing:
- A bit of chair Yoga with Susan! We will start off with Susan’s relaxing Yoga class.
- Another chance at Zentangle with Peggy
- Bingo, bingo, bingo – live with the bingo wheel. Win prize.
- Another chance at placemat purse making
- The return of the flip flops
- And yes, safety pin jewelry in on the menu.
11:15 AM to 12:15 PM Sessions – September 8th through September 29th
Both our Academy groups will be joining in this class. Peggy will introduce us to Checkology, a course designed by the News Literacy Project. Here is what they are trying to build with their program:
News literacy: News literacy is a foundational approach to media literacy identified by: News Literacy is media literacy in today’s world. The program we will be discussing is committed to several important principles:
- A desire to teach you HOW to think about news and information, not WHAT to think about any particular source.
- To help you develop a HEALTHY SKEPTICISM about news and information without becoming CYNICAL.
- A dedication to the First Amendment and the conviction that a free press is a cornerstone of democracy.
- A nonpartisan focus on specific, clear learning standards.

Learn how to think about news and information — not what to think.
“News Literacy Project Mission: The News Literacy Project, a nonpartisan education nonprofit, is building a national movement to advance the practice of news literacy throughout American society, creating better informed, more engaged and more empowered individuals — and ultimately, a stronger democracy.”
11:15 AM to 12:15 PM Sessions – October 6th through October 27th
Behavioral Economics Continued – with Shai Robkin
Mindfulness Practice
More about Behavioral Economics
In this course, we continue to explore the themes first introduced during the spring session. However, participation in the first session is not required to understand and enjoy the materials presented during this fall session. The course examines concepts designed to help people and organizations make better decisions and avoid common pitfalls that result from instinctive human behaviors. While classical economic theory assumes that people make rational decisions, weighing costs and benefits in order to optimize the likelihood of achieving desired outcomes, behavioral economists start by asking how humans actually behave in the real world. The course covers, among other things, basic theories of evolutionary psychology, automatic vs. controlled thinking, heuristics (simple procedures that people use unconsciously to reach decisions on difficult questions), prospect theory and inaccurate perceptions of risk, the role of chance, public policy and choice architecture, and when and when not to trust experts.
What does it mean to practice Mindfulness?
There is a great deal of discussion today about “mindfulness.” We use the word so much we may not truly understand its meaning. During the pandemic, many of us learned the power of s l o w i n g d o w n!! We experienced much more of our lives and relationships just because we were forced to slow down and pay attention to the present.
Our challenge now is bringing this new awareness into the fast-paced world emerging after the pandemic. How many Zoom meetings can you or should you have in a day? How do we truly learn to stay in the present moment to relish it? This class will explore ways to bring mindfulness into our lives.
12:30 to 1:15 PM
We are thrilled Chef Bob will be able to cook for us. We already know he’s a great chef. The charge for lunch will be $15. OR BRING YOUR OWN LUNCH AND JOIN THE CONVERSATION.
1:30 PM to 2:30 PM – Afternoon Sessions

Line Dancing
Line Dancing with Rose Haven
Rose took the summer off and now she is BACK and ready to dance with her Lifespan line dancers. Come and join in. Everyone is ready to go!
1:30 pm – September 8th through September 29th
Behavioral Economics Continued with Shai Robkin
1:30 pm – October 6th through October 27th
Historical Odds and Ends with Richard Botters
More about Behavioral Economics
In this course, we continue to explore the themes first introduced during the spring session. However, participation in the first session is not required to understand and enjoy the materials presented during this fall session. The course examines concepts designed to help people and organizations make better decisions and avoid common pitfalls that result from instinctive human behaviors. While classical economic theory assumes that people make rational decisions, weighing costs and benefits in order to optimize the likelihood of achieving desired outcomes, behavioral economists start by asking how humans actually behave in the real world. The course covers, among other things, basic theories of evolutionary psychology, automatic vs. controlled thinking, heuristics (simple procedures that people use unconsciously to reach decisions on difficult questions), prospect theory and inaccurate perceptions of risk, the role of chance, public policy and choice architecture, and when and when not to trust experts.
Richard Botters will join us again in October to bring us more Historical Odds and Ends. We are all pleased to have Richard back with us. He brought us a great class on the Constitution, he took us on a tour of the National Parks, and he offered us insight into the many historical events that matter to our lives and our country.
Please welcome Richard back in October and prepare to learn things you never knew about our history.
Virtual Fridays – Zentangle – 10:45 to 12:15
Zentangle with Hilary Smith
Many of us have become passionate about wonderful Zentangle! Because of our connection to Heritage Village in Bethlehem, PA, we have gained an amazing Zentangle teacher and a wonderful new group of Lifespan friends. Come and see what you can create – and be amazed.
We are excited to bring you this class, and Haunani and I are excited to lead two classes when Hilary is in Africa. We thought you might enjoy some new and different things.