How YOU Make the Difference
Lifespan's Revenue Picture
We truly appreciate your contributions and support and we are always looking for ways to tell you how important you are to our mission. So we are offering a snapshot of where Lifespan’s revenue comes from. Here on our donation appreciation page seemed like a good place to give you a snapshot of exactly how important ALL of our supporters are to the mission of our organization.
The pie chart below reflects the percentage of our budget represented by each of these revenue sources. The “fees for services” item reflects income for lunches and classes where we pay instructors, so it comes in and goes right back out. A couple of other things to remember:
First, a budget is only our best plan, and much can change during the course of the year. While we have made our best estimates, reality can change in either a positive or negative direction.
Second, our revenue is balanced across our revenue sources, making each of them dependent on the others for us to sustain our programs. By the same token, if one income stream improves, it takes pressure off the others. An increase in registrations means we need less additional grant funding. An increase in donations strengthens our ability to secure other major donors. Increases in congregational support means that we can provide even more classes and rides.
But the most important take away from this pie chart, should be how much Lifespan relies on all of you and your support. Donations, encouraging others to come to Academy, inviting us to talk with your community groups —all of those activities keep Lifespan alive and thriving. THANK YOU.