Spirituality Series
Faith Leaders from Many Faith TraditionsIslamic Speakers Bureau
The first half of our Spirituality Series will be presented by individuals from the Islamic Speakers Bureau. The Islamic Speakers Bureau of Atlanta is a 501(c)(3) non-profit, apolitical educational organization that provides certified Muslim speakers to promote awareness about Islam and Muslims. Its mission is to counter prejudice and discrimination against Muslim Americans by teaching about their traditions and contributions in the context of America’s history and cultural diversity, while building relations between American Muslims and other groups. On Apr 14th we will welcome Fairyal Halim and on April 21st, we welcome Noor Abbady. On April 28th we welcome Fairyal Halim on a return visit and on May 5th, we welcome Alan Howard. We look forward to learning more about each of them during this series.
Peaceful Abiding: An Introduction to Buddhist Meditation
The second four classes we will are very pleased to have Chris Wenger with us from the Shambhalla Center with an introduction to Buddhist Meditation.
These sessions will provide an experiential introduction to the practice of “peaceful abiding” meditation (shamatha). In peaceful abiding we train ourselves to meet our moment-to-moment experience with gentleness, curiosity, and unconditional openness. Peaceful abiding has been practiced by Buddhists for millennia. In recent years, it has been adapted in the West to help manage stress and pain. Each session will include guided meditation, discussion, and information on selected Buddhist teachings. The practice of peaceful abiding is nonsectarian; no particular religious view is necessary.
For a list of all the classes at the Spring Session and a registration form click here.