Lifespan Highlights of 2016
Enjoy the MemoriesAs 2016 comes to a close we reflect back on the previous year and all of the things we experienced here at Lifespan. Fun, friends, fellowship and learning are all part of our 2016 legacy.
In that spirit, here is a video that gives you a glimpse of our year. The whole video if about 6 minutes, which breaks all of the rules length of videos to keep your attention. But I just couldn’t leave anything out. So, for those of you who have been part of Lifespan already, the photos and music will being memories and remind us of friends and it will seem very short. For those of you who have not yet been part of Lifespan’s activities, feel free to fast forward if you need to , but we hope you will see how much fun we have and join us in 2017. Be patient if your Internet connection loads the video a little slower. We promise it is worth the wait. Enjoy the Video
If you are planning on joining us for the Winter Session in January, please fill out your registration form and send in your check. You can use the form on the last page of your Spotlight or click the button to the right, print the form and send it in with your check.
And finally, I spared you the 12 days of Lifespan this year – for many reasons. Some of us have had heavy hearts during this holiday, and sometimes quiet is a better option. But this is our last chance to ask for your help.
If you are still considering a donation to Lifespan, we would ask that you do it now. Remember, you can make your donation in honor or memory of someone and include a photo and a couple of sentences about them. We will be placing them on our Honoring Community. page in January. You have two ways to donate. You can click the donate button and place your donation onnline. Or you can click the button for the donation form, print it out and send it in with your check. We appreciate anything you can do for Lifespan.
We hope you all have an amazingly Happy and Healthy New Year.