MORNING COFFEE: 10:00 AM – Each Weekday the Zoom Morning Classroom is available for Morning Coffee. Whether or not you are attending the virtual class scheduled that day or going to the in-person sessions on Thursdays, you are always welcome to stop in for coffee. Feel free to log in and say hello.
MONDAYS – January 17th through March 11th – Two Programs
Soups and Stews
10:30 AM – Soups and Stews – with Melani Hill
Four Weeks: January 17th – February 7th
Come and join Melani (and Alexa Foreman, famous sous chef may stop by on occasion), as she shows us ways to make soups and stews – even if you are cooking for one! See her demonstrations right in her own kitchen.
1:30 PM – The History of Tattoos – Tracy Lewis-Martin
Four Weeks: January 17th – February 7th
Join Tracy in her own Tattoo Parlor talking about the history of tatoos. You will hear about the history of this particular art form and talk about the different ways it is influencing our lives today.
1:30 PM – Brandt Ross – Aging in Place Could be a Myth
Four weeks – February 14th – March 7th
My wife and I sold our home and downsized 7 years ago and moved to a senior residence and never looked back. In this four part program, I will explain the “4 hazards of aging in place” and why the consequences are so serious. I will also provide a “how to” and my suggestions on all the aspects of taking charge of your senior life and putting yourself in the safest and best position. We’ll talk home sale, downsizing, money, family impact and what it is like to live in a senior residence…..and why it is healthier…..even during a pandemic.
A four part program with some folk guitar and songs to lighten up a difficult subject.
Brandt Ross
Brandt Ross, a native of Chicago and resident of Atlanta for 30 years, is a retired CEO and M & A intermediary. He has been telling stories about history with folk music for 5 years. He and his wife Ginny downsized and sold their home in 2014 and have enjoyed senior living at two senior residences in Atlanta. They have 3 married children and 6 grandchildren. Ginny is a retired O.R. nurse.
TUESDAYS- January 18th through March 12th
1:30 PM – Line Dancing with Rose Haven
Rose is offering line dancing in person in our Thursday classes, but she also know that many of you cannot be there in person. So she offered an additional ONLINE class for all you at-home line dancers. We have really gotten all of the logistics down to a science and we can offer line dancing virtually almost as well as in person. And the best part is that no one know how well you remember the steps! Come and join in.
Line Dancing
Wednesdays – Noon – January 19th through March 13th
Understanding Sexual Exploitation of Children
NOON to 1 pm – Undersanding Sexual Exploitation of Children (CSEC) – Georgia Chapter of Children’s Advocacy Centers CSEC Response Team
We are pleased to have this 8 week series on this very important topic! We will have presentations including all of the following:
- CSEC 101: What is CSEC? Understanding the nature of the problem and the developmental realities of teenagers.
- What is the statewide response to this problem?
- Exactly what is a multi-disciplinary team approach?
- What is the role of law enforcement? GBI, FBI and local prosecutors?
- What is the role of the Georgia Department of Families and Children?
- What are forensic interviewers and advocates and how do they help?
- Have you hear of HOPE Court?
- What can you do?
Thursday In-Person Classes Also Available on Zoom
10:00 am – Behavioral Economics with Shai Robkin
Shai (pronounced “Shy”) Robkin works with small and mid-size business executives to leverage the power of behavioral economics.
The course introduces students to key concepts designed to help people and organizations make better decisions and avoid common pitfalls that result from instinctive human behaviors. While classical economic theory assumes that people make rational decisions, weighing costs and benefits in order to optimize the likelihood of achieving desired outcomes, behavioral economists start by asking how humans actually behave in the real world. The course covers basic theories of evolutionary psychology, automatic vs. controlled thinking, heuristics (simple procedures that people use unconsciously to reach decisions on difficult questions), prospect theory and inaccurate perceptions of risk, the role of chance, public policy and choice architecture, and when and when not to trust experts.
Friday January 21st through March 11th – Zentangle
10:45 AM to 12:15 PM – Zentangle with Hilary Smith
Many of us have become addicted to wonderful Zentangle! Because of our connection to Heritage Village in Bethlehem, PA, we have gained an amazing Zentangle teacher and a wonderful new group of Lifespan friends. Come and see what you can create – and be amazed.