Lifespan OnLine (LOL) Winter 2021

We have a great program planned for Winter Session. Come and join in.
Welcome to the event page. When you click on any event in our calendar, you come here to the page where you can find the details about that class for that particular date. Pretty cool, huh?

The Atlanta Beltline – Lucy Bigham

The Atlanta BeltLine is the most comprehensive transportation, economic development and urban redevelopment effort undertaken in Atlanta.

It is a sustainable project that will provide a network of parks, trails and transit along a historic 22-mile railroad corridor circling downtown.

An overview of the BeltLine Project will be included as well as an update on accomplishments and disappointments. The course will emphasize the key elements of affordable housing and transit.



The New Beltline Data Tool!
If you want to know more about the Atlanta Beltline and its impact on the surrounding community, there is now a new, interactive tool to help you see all the data you can imagine. It’s also important to know that this tool has so much information you might want to spend just a little bit of time reading about how to use it. So the links below are important for your exploration.

1. Click here for the page that describes the tool.
2. Click here for the interactive map itself.
3. Click here for a pdf document that will take you through exactly how to use it.

Here is the recording of the third class.

The Zoom Link for this event